Furniture Design PICs


Furniture Design

For my project I designed a big comfy chair for my mom. She enjoys watching TV and browsing the web from her ipad a lot, so I wanted to design a place she could sit, watch TV and brows the web in comfort. The chair was originally just a normal chair. I wanted it to be special and I know a friend who has a chair with a built in refrigerator. Not having to get up to get a cold drink would make the chair that much more comfy and appealing. Under the left armrest is a small refrigerator.
My mom also likes to use her ipad a lot so the chair includes USB ports for charging of devices. It also has speakers and blue tooth for listening to music. These extra features are located under the armrest cushions. These cushions simply flip over revealing the features. There are 4 usb 3.0 ports capable of charging at 10 volts along with a volume level nob and blue tooth pairing button. Under the other armrest cover is a 1 by .5 foot mini fridge capable of housing ice and a six pack of soda. All of these electronic devices are routed to on standard electrical jack coming out the back of the unit. This electrical cord is 8 feet long allowing it to go far away from the chair and not tangle.

I believe his chair is the ultimate in comfort and affordability. It is made out of performance cloth and plastic. The design for the chair didn’t really change from my original idea. I added the usb ports last minute and I think it really adds that last bit of functionality that makes the chair useful for more than just sitting comfortably. The chair is brown and features a plush cloth cover. It reclines to 3 positions and folds flat letting you use it as a bed.


Drawing in perspective was hard. My rendering do not look great but they get the point across. I am struggling to make this paper five hundred words or more. It seems redundant to share more info about the chair. Five hundred words seems like a lot to describe the design of one item when that items design was n ot iterative and has stayed pretty much the same. None the less this chair matches exactly the needs of its intended user. Its comfy and functional in many ways. I enjoyed working on this project and look forward to the others coming up. Maybe another class on drawing would help. I am not an artist but I do like to design products and experiences. This chair would be a great product. Its design is simple and seems like something lazy boy would sell to guys. I think its brown color and plushness makes it a gender neutral piece of furniture aimed at those looking for comfort and tech function. I need seventeen more words to make the word count so la di da indeed.

cliff bleszinski my hero

Andre Maestas Cliff Bleszinski

At first I didn’t know who to pick as my hero. There are many great titans in the entertainment and technology industries. Ultimately Cliff Bleszinski stands out as someone who id love to emulate. His love for games and ability to create even at a young age make me want to be like him. Cliff Bleszinski was born on Feb 12 1975. He is best known for his work at Epic Gs Creative Director. He has had a full career overseeing titles like Gears Of War.

Cliff grew up loving video games. He would sit in his room experimenting and attempting to create his own games. His first commercial game was The Palace of Deceit: Dragon’s Plight . He created in his senior year of high school when he was 17. After releasing the game through a small company that he founded in 1991 , he sent a copy to Tom Sweeney the then CEO of Epic Mega Games (Epic Games). Tim was so impressed by the game he hired Cliff right after he graduated high school.At age 18 he started work on games like “Dare to Dream”,“Jazz Jackrabbit”,“Jazz Jackrabbit 2” and “Jazz Jackrabbit: Holiday Hare” His most notable achievement when he first worked at epic was his design work on Unreal, the 1998 FPS that catapulted Epic Games into success. Cliff would later be promoted and work as lead designer on Gears Of War. In 2008 around the release of Gears Of War 2 Cliff was promoted to Design Director overseeing the design of all games developed by Epic and its satellite studios. The last game he oversaw was Gears Of War Judgment although the last game he actively worked on was Gears of War 3. In 2013 he left Epic to take a break after 20 years. He currently is developing a game with a small team to be released in the coming years. He married Lauren Berggren ( a former Build manager at iD Software) in 2012.

Cliff Bleszinski is my hero because of his commitment to the games industry from such a young age. I would copy his work ethic and commitment. I’ve sat at home for countless hours designing my own games. Today the process is much more complicated with hd graphics and advanced engines. I stand now in college waiting to learn how to code and design so that one day I can be a part of blockbuster franchises and indie games and being able to share what I’ve made with those I love. Cliff is a nerds nerd but hes still an awesome dude. I’ve used the Unreal Engine ( the software that powers all of the games Epic makes) and it has been my dream to one day have a chance to work there. Cliff Bleszinski showed me that talent and hard work will pay off in the end. No amount of schooling can beat a desire to learn and explore on your own. Developers arent looking for your class projects. They are looking for your own creative work and ability to create without being told to.



About Me!!!

My name is Andre Maestas and I am a freshman at ASU studying Digital Culture!! I am originaly from colorado but have lived in Arizona for the past 7 years. I am taking this GIT class to learn to be more creative in all aspects of life and not rely so much on random inspiration. I am currently living on the Tempe campus! I hope to get to know more people as I progress through school. I love video games and music! My favorite game of all time is half Life 2. My favorite band is Pink floyd.

I think I am a nail because I tend to live life as a reactant rather than an instigator. I go with the flow and adjust to change.  I tend to take others ideas and flesh them out. I hate leading but i am stubborn and tend to like my perception of an idea better.

I think i am more like boiling water. I get a good idea an splurge on it all at once. I tend not to be able to stay creative for long periods of time. I evaporate lol

I tend to be more like the wind. I constantly change direction and incorporate new ideas.

The exercises were fun. I was a little frustrated but because the instructions werent as clear as they should have been.